Asset grading technology ensures streetscape integrity during 5G small cell deployments

The rollout of 5G small cell technology has sparked widespread discussions among global asset owners about its impact on city streetscapes. These small cell devices are most effectively placed on vertical structures, including power poles, streetlights, bus stops, traffic signposts, and gantries. To address these concerns and manage the deployment of small cell technology, asset […]
Private LTE and 5G networks for manufacturing, mining and utilities

A new vision for the future of wireless technology is presenting manufacturers, transport hubs, mining, and utility centres with the chance to not only save time and money but also save lives through improved latency – welcome to the era of private LTE and 5G networks. “If an organisation wants to provide extensive high-speed coverage […]
5G – The quick pace to the future

The world is moving at an extraordinary pace when it comes to technology and innovation. Projects once used to take years of research, testing and prototyping, but cutting-edge changes now take place much quicker due to machine-based learnings.